OMG, I still have two more sims to cover!! I'm hoping to have another post for you later this afternoon, and then probably one tonight. Remember, Home Expo ends this Sunday, so make sure you get over there soon and give yourself enough time to cover all ten sims!!

POST by Van Auster: POST has been on my radar for a while, and I am exceptionally tardy in blogging them. Van has gorgeous prefabs, so well textured and detailed, and so original. POST is not the place for a standard ranch or Cape Cod prefab - it's the place you go when you want something different and creative, and you insist on excellent quality. Some of my favorites from POST's display at Expo:

That settee is stunning AND is texture changeable! It's also one of Van's RFL items - I grabbed one!!

POST at Home Expo [SLurl]

Artilleri Home, by Antonia Marat, has some oh-so-cute and nostalgic trailers at Expo this year. I love these!

Artilleri Home at Home Expo [SLurl]

Winter Thorn and {what next} are always one of my favorites. Winter is so consistent with her designs - they're always beautifully textured, well thought out, and packed with cute extras.

{what next} at Home Expo [SLurl]

Cheeky Pea is another favorite. Designer Isla Gealach always impresses me with her work; she's another designer who produces great shapes and textures and really focuses on the fun details.

I love those perfume bottles!! ♥

Cheeky Pea at Home Expo [SLurl]

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