You know the best thing about our favorite monthly events? They keep Cory Edo of Trompe Loeil crazy busy kicking out awesome stuff. I approve. The July installment of FaMESHed is (of course) open now, and Cory brings the Patio Pool for your sun lounging pleasure.

I love mesh. For the record, I predict that I will be the last designer IN THE WORLD to learn how to make mesh...but I sure do love playing with mesh made by others. ♥

As always, we've got great textures with nice depth and cute details like the little pool lights and the precious little koi who are swimming around like it's SRS BSNS. Also, I think Cory makes my favorite fireplaces.

Don't think I didn't notice how the firelight spills out onto the ledge in front of the fireplace. Warms my heart. And something you may or may not know about me: I love steps. Straight, curved, L-shaped, grand, simple...I just love steps. Steps almost always mean multiple levels (obviously), and I am a sucker for a sunken room or a raised platform. That goes for RL as well as SL. AND, in SL, I really love well done steps that are textured well and have solid definition and shading between the treads and the risers. Having said all that...the Patio Pool has plenty of steps to keep me happy. ♥

(I may or may not be basking in the glory of the steps in that last picture.)

Pick up the Patio Pool from Trompe Loeil at this month's FaMESHed [SLurl]. Available in brown or grey!

Authorelle kirshner