It’s time for part 2 of this month’s Spruce Up Your Space! Our September theme is “Sweet Dreams” – we asked our designers to come up with anything they could think of when you think of sweet sleep and dreams!

Our designers for weekend 2 are:

Barcode Julia Collection Interior Addiction Belle Belle Made By Moo MudHoney Herbalys <<UrbanizeD>>

Remember – everything released for SUYS is just $150L or less, but only for this weekend!

You can see pics of all the SUYS items over on our Flickr page, and you’ll find SLurls there for each shop, too, in the picture descriptions. Also, be sure to join the in-world Spruce Up Your Space group to get the SUYS notices, LMs, etc!

It officially starts at 9AM SLT this morning, September 25– enjoy!

Authorelle kirshner