Hi! I'm so happy to be a part of this month's Collabor88 - it's actually the annual Collabor88 Prom, and Tegan Serin of floorplan. asked me to be her date! Awwwwww ♥. The theme is Supernova and Tegan and I have some spacey goodness for you!

supernova console table_fatpack_vendor.jpg
supernova shelves_brights_vendor.jpg
supernova shelves_darks_vendor.jpg
supernova accessories_vendor.jpg

The console tables are also available individually. For the event, each table is just 88L, or 188L for the fatpack. The shelf sets are 88L each, and the accessories pack is also only 88L. Spacey bargains!

Tegan has some really amazing projectors and more lovely framed prints!


The projectors are also just 88L (per color), and the sky frame is just 88L, too!

Collabor88 is open right now! This round goes until March 7. Have fun!! [SLurl]